Y Pwyllgor Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol

Health and Social Care Committee



Ann Jones AC AM

Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Cymunedau, Cydraddoldeb a Llywodraeth Leol

Chair, Communities, Equalities and Local Government Committee





05 March 2012


Dear Ann,


Health and Social Care Committee – Inadequate public toilet facilities


You will be aware that the Petitions Committee received a petition calling upon the National Assembly for Wales to investigate the health and social well-being implications resulting from public toilets closures and to urge the Welsh Government to issue guidance to local authorities to ensure adequate public toilet provision. 


The petition was referred to the Health and Social Care Committee in June 2011 and we held a one-day inquiry to consider the public health implications of inadequate facilities on 19 January 2012. I understand that the Petitions Committee also wrote to the Communities, Equalities and Local Government Committee to ask if it would consider the local government and equality dimensions of the petition.  A report of the evidence we received is attached to this letter for your information.


Based on the evidence received, the Committee is firmly of the view that the public health case for better public toilet provision is strong. Furthermore, the Committee believes that the evidence collected suggests that there is a prima facie case for further investigation of local authority provision of public toilet facilities. A series of practical suggestions were made by witnesses, through which local provision could be better planned and provided, with improved outcomes for public health. It is our view that these potential solutions could merit further investigation by those more expert in local government matters.


The Committee has agreed that, as Chair of the Communities, Equalities and Local Government Committee, I should draw this to your attention. I hope that, when next considering your forward work programme as a Committee, you may be able to consider this matter for further investigation.

I am also copying this letter to the Minister for Health and Social Services and the Minister for Local Government and Communities to draw their attention to this important work.


Yours sincerely

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Mark Drakeford AC AM

Cadeirydd - Chair


Cc      Minister for Health and Social Services, Lesley Griffiths AM

          Minister for Local Government and Communities, Carl Sargeant AM